Sunday, October 7, 2012

Integrating GAPPS in custom binary

Hey Guys,

As I have mentioned in my last post that Google account is not integrated in the custom source that we download from the Android site. I later learnt that this violates the licensing agreement. So we don't get google account integration with the cyanogenmode binaries. So here is a method I found on the internet to integrated the Google account and apps with the custom binary built from the source code:
Now we are ready to flash on the device:
$ fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-
$ fastboot reboot recovery 

Device in Recovery boot mode
This will install the recovery binary onto your device. Now we can do a recovery boot to browse the menu and install updates from the sdcard. To browse use vol up, vol down and power button.
  • Go down to "mounts and storage" > "mount USB storage"
  • Copy the GAPPS zip to device sdcard storage.
  • Select "install zip fron sdcard" > "choose zip from sdcard"
  • locate
  • Reboot the device. 
Integrated GAPPS to custom binary
Custom binary properties :-P
 Now google apps are integrated to your custom binary.
 - Jai


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